Мне бы не пригодилось, даже если бы я его и заказала.
Зависит от позиции, наверное?
Да в любом случае, твои бумажки никто не видит, а в СВ все равно "Ставропольский колледж связи" стоял бы, хоть с Нариком, хоть без.
А вот для работы врачом - был бы нужен обязательно.
Вам, наверное, нужно заказать себе..эээ, как его. Certificate of comparability?
Можно со своим переводом за 46, и с их переводом за 70 с чем-то.
How can we help you?
The UK NARIC Statement of Comparability is an officially recognised document that confirms the recognition of an overseas qualification and its comparable level in the UK, irrespective of it being an academic, vocational or professional award. It is used by universities, colleges, employers and Government departments and agencies forming part of their decision-making process. A Statement of Comparability can be used to help support applications made under Tiers 1 and 2 of the Points Based System for immigration to the UK; particularly the Graduate Entrepreneur route within Tier 1.
A Statement of Comparability states, in English, what your overseas qualifications equate to in the UK.
Please note that at UK NARIC we are unable to provide a comparability statement for the grades obtained in your qualifications. It is recommended that you present transcripts directly to potential employers/admitting institutions for consideration on an individual basis in line with specific grade requirements.
Example of a Statement of Comparability.