Если читают, то вот мой ответ.
My dear local expats. You need to calm down. Just to notice, it is so easy to be a privileged / premium / superior sort of nation to reside in the world that bows down the moment you open your mouth. The Brexit thing happened and you started running around checking if your status is still actual. You are not even close, and never been there where I come from. So, sit and relax, please, keep it real - no one is going to make you apply for a visa again. Even, if that happens, you would be able to experience some minor discomfort like every one else who comes out of EU. And, I might want to add, you should do that to understand your own equality to others. #underinfluenceofabottleofvalpolicella #italiansun #jeezyoumakemesick #retardedexpats