Приветствую. Пож-та, подскажите по шенгену. Собралась делать повторную фр. визу. нашла на сайте TLSContact
From the 1st of November 2012 but in practice from the 1st of January 2013, people applying for visas that are valid as residence permits (Students, Spouses of French Nationals, Employee, Trainee, Scientists and Researchers, Spouses beneficiaries of family reunification and Visitors) will have to pay the residency fees that were up until now payable to the l’Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration (OFII) when they submit their application in addition to the visa fees - Please contact TLScontact for the exact amount. Note that those fees will not be refunded whatever the outcome of the application.
т.е. помимо fee to TLSContact, личного визита на биометрию, нужно будет платить residency fees которые я думаю £60.0?
или я что-то не так поняла?