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Уточниение по автомаическому продлению виз для "сотрудников NHS"

Amendments to Home Office policy on automatic NHS extensions

The Home Secretary wrote to the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee to set out that it was partially extending its policy on automatic NHS extensions to other types of staff. The press release states:

"Frontline workers, including midwives, radiographers, social workers and pharmacists, with visas due to expire before 1 October 2020 will receive an automatic one-year extension. It will apply to those working both in the NHS and independent sector and include their family members.

...Any NHS workers who have paid for an unresolved application will be offered the option of a refund.

The Home Secretary has also confirmed family members and dependants of healthcare workers who sadly pass away as result of contracting the virus will be offered immediate indefinite leave to remain."


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

Опубликовано (изменено)

Хорошие новости - Несмотря на COVID19 Home Office продолжает рассмотрение иммиграционных заявлений и высылку новых BRP клиентам.

Получено сегодня, 1 Мая 2020:


Изменено пользователем British Lawyer

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Не всегда бывают приятные новости.

Вот, клиент только что получил Email из Sopra Steria о том, что его (уже ранее перенесенный) biometric appointment (заявление AN, натурализация), снова откладывается.

Я успел подать заявление этого клиента, взять ему слот на сдачу биометрики и загрузить его документы в марте. Но (еще в марте) буквально за 1 день до сдачи биометрики клиент получил Email из Sopra Steria о том, что его биометрический слот переносится на начало мая 2020.

Учитывая, что Life in the UK тесты переносятся сейчас на конец июня 2020, похоже, что в мае 2020 биометрика (Sopra Steria) может не заработать.

Вот такие "полярные" новости сегодня.


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Важная информация для искателей убежища в Великобритании во время COVID19

Asylum - Intake and interviews

The Home Office has decided to “pause face to face substantive asylum interviews for now”, according to correspondence from the Asylum Operations team. All interviews scheduled from 19 March onward are cancelled.

Some initial screening interviews are also being cancelled.

Registering an initial asylum claim must still be done in person, but no longer has to be at Lunar House in Croydon. The Home Office announced on 22 April that “the AIU in Croydon will continue to function as normal but will additionally be supported by limited operations in Glasgow, Belfast, Liverpool, Leeds, Solihull and Cardiff”.

Asylum seekers in Great Britain can make an appointment to register their asylum claim by calling 0300 123 4193. (In Northern Ireland, they are advised to turn up at Stockman House between 9am and 5pm.) Walking in with first making an appointment is discouraged but possible if the person “has nowhere to live” and needs to get into the asylum system to get accommodation.

However, those making further submissions with a view to have their case considered as a fresh claim have since 18 March been able to lodge them by email or post instead of turning up in Liverpool in person.


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

Опубликовано (изменено)
В 4/4/2020 в 11:03 AM, British Lawyer сказал:

- Уточнение по визовым категориями Tier 2 (General) и Tier 1 (Entrepreneur).

>>> COVID19 and the Home Office clarification for the following immigration issues:

- Tier 1 Entrepreneur

If you are on a Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa and your business has been disrupted

You no longer need to employ at least 2 people for 12 consecutive months each. The 12 month period you are required to employ someone for can be made up of multiple employees across different months

Здравствуйте. А что разве на Tier 1 Entrepreneur когда-то было правило наема сотрудников 12 месецев без возможости перерыва?!

Смотрю последний доступный гайденс этой программы (Version 10/2019) пока ее не закрыли.

(d) A single job need not consist of 12 consecutive months (for example it could exist for 6 months in one year and 6 months the following year) providing it is the same job.




Изменено пользователем Fezz
Опубликовано (изменено)


Программа Tier 1 (Предприниматель) менялась несколько раз. До 2014 года были другие Правила наема рабочих.

Сейчас программа закрыта. Помогите тем, кто приехал до закрытия программы, продлите их Уровень 1 (Entre [reneur) статус , получите ILR и, разумеется, в конце концов - гражданство .

Вот текущее обновление по этой программе в отношении COVID19: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-uk-visa-applicants-and-tevent-uk-residents

Если вы находитесь на предпринимательской визе 1-го уровня, и ваш бизнес был разрушен

Вам больше не нужно нанимать как минимум 2 человека на 12 месяцев подряд каждый. 12-месячный период, на который вы должны нанять кого-либо, может состоять из нескольких рабочих мест в разные месяцы.

Время, когда ваши сотрудники были уволены, не будет учитываться в течение 12 месяцев.

Если к моменту истечения срока действия визы вы не смогли нанять персонал в течение 12 месяцев, вам будет разрешено временно продлить срок пребывания, чтобы у вас было время для выполнения требования.

Эти договоренности будут действовать в отношении заявлений, поданных после 31 мая 2020 года, когда рабочие места, на которые вы полагаетесь, были нарушены из-за COVID-19.

Изменено пользователем fregat222

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Полезный Email из Home Office, подтверждающий что те заявители, кто не смог приехать в Великобританию и чьи визы закончились из-за COVID19, могут использовать т.н. опцию visa waiver. См. детали ниже.


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

12 May 2020 – Just useful and interesting UK & EEA Immigration Law news and updates from the Legal Centre – Open 7 days a week - www.legalcentre.org - +44(0)3300010342, +44(0)7791145023 (WhatsApp/Viber)
>>> COVID19 and the UK Immigration Update
The Home Office is currently considering the (including the possible implementation of) following:
- What to do after 31 May when the current extension and concession period runs out
- Whether the NHS worker extension applies to family members of British NHS workers as well as various issues relating to right to work checks
- Re-use previously enrolled biometrics in some applications
- To re-open VACs overseas, but this will depend very much on each country's policy in relation to coronavirus. They are also looking at how to re-open Sopra Steria core sites

12 May 2020 – Just useful and interesting UK & EEA Immigration Law news and updates from the Legal Centre – Open 7 days a week - www.legalcentre.org - +44(0)3300010342, +44(0)7791145023 (WhatsApp/Viber)

>>> COVID19 and the UK Immigration Update 2

English language and Life in the UK tests

The Home Office has confirmed in writing to ILPA that immigration and nationality applications can be submitted without the English language test or Life in the UK test.  The individual will still need to pass the test before the application can be granted.

However, the formal Home Office policy is yet to be published.

Salary reductions

The Home Office has confirmed that a sponsor is not required to submit a change of employment application where they are reducing the salary of a high earner to below £159,600 if the reduction is due to Covid-19 and is in line with the concession provided in the Home Office guidance i.e. it is temporary and no less than 80%/£2,500 per month (whichever is lower).



Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


- Уточнение из Home Office о том, что делать если заявитель не может сдать тесты по английскому языку перед подачей иммиграционного заявления

- (дополнительное) Уточнение из Парламента о том, что просроченные 30-и дневные визы для въезда в UK могут быть продлены на срок в 90 дней
>>> COVID19 and the current inability to pass the English language test
From the Home Office:
Question : Can the immigration application, including the Naturalization one, be currently submitted within the Life in the UK and/or the English language test. I am unable to pass the test(s) as the Test Centres are closed due to COVID19
UK BA answer: We can confirm that an individual can submit their immigration application without a Secure English Language Testing (SELT) result or a Life in the UK (LitUK) result whilst testing services in the UK are disrupted. If either of these results are needed to meet the requirements of the application route, they will need to have successfully passed the test before we grant the application.
>>> Parliament confirm the extension of the 30-days (expired) vignettes: Entry Clearances: Coronavirus:Written question - 40720 : https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?id=2020-04-27.40720.h&s=immigration

Further to our posts earlier, the UK Parliament has now confirmed the policy on the extension of the (expired) 30 days vignettes (initial Entry Clearance visas, issued outside of the UK.


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Обязательный карантин на 2 недели по возвращению в Великобританию

COVID19 and the UK Immigration update

>>> Compulsary quarantine

The government’s “COVID-19 recovery strategy”, last updated on 12 May, says that people travelling to the UK will soon be asked to go into quarantine for two weeks after they arrive. The document states:

   " … the Government will require all international arrivals not on a short list of exemptions to self-isolate in their accommodation for fourteen days on arrival into the UK. Where international travellers are unable to demonstrate where they would self-isolate, they will be required to do so in accommodation arranged by the Government.".

There will be some exceptions, including for journeys within the Common Travel Area (covering the UK, Crown Dependencies and Ireland) and from France. There is no official date for this policy to begin: the government only says that it will come in “as soon as possible”. But the BBC has reported that “the new restriction is expected to take effect at the end of this month [May 2020]”.

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

В 4/24/2020 в 10:24 AM, British Lawyer сказал:

Вчера участвовал в online конференции ILPA EEA Working Group.

Из интересного для форума:

- On-line заявления по EEA law продолжают рассматриваться (т.е. EU Settled Scheme/Pre-Settled Scheme), case-workers работают

- Paper applications (Zambrano, Surinder Singh) - по словам главы EU отделения Home Office у них остался т.н. Skeleton Staff, поэтому здесь они работают как могут

В то же время я лично обратил внимание на то, что заявления на гражданство так же продолжают рассматривать (отделы EU & Naturalization находиться в г. Ливерпуль в одном здании).

Например, в эту среду, 22 апреля 2020 года я подал 2 заявления на гражданство клиентов Tier 1 Investor, мама (заявление AN) и ее сын (заявление MN1).

И вот буквально через день уже получили т.н. Certificate of Application (CoA), что заявление клиентов рассматриваются.




Здравствуйте! Подскажите,  пожалуйста,  Вы подавали онлайн заявку ( я правильно  понимаю, что на данный момент,  это единственная опция,  то есть невозможно отправить заявку и документы напрямую, только загрузить все документы на сайте партнёра.  Но, в таком случае, отдел EU & Naturalization не "видит" документов и не может рассмотреть заявку? ) 




Я всегда подаю online.

Как нам сказал Home Office во время майской online конференции с ними, в этом отделе остался Skeleton staff, поэтому рассматривать могут. Например, 14 мая 2020 года нам пришло уведомление о том, что заявление клиентки было положительно рассмотрено (см. другой тред). Но это - скорее всего исключение, т.к. Legal Centre является Highly Tursted Representative + мы подали буквально за день до закрытия отделений Sopra Steria.

В то же время есть возможность подать заявление на гражданство по почте через бумажную форму AN, хотя Home Office сейчас НЕ рекомендует подавать оригиналы по почте из-за COVI19 (могут легко потеряться в тоннах получаемой почты которую, скорее всего, некому рассматривать/разбирать) по бумажным заявлениями по EU Law.  Это можно обойти, заверив документы у нас, например. Хотя мне лично эта цепочка не нравится. Я - сторонник наиболее эффективного способа подачи. Пока он был - online.

На этой неделе Home Office, возможно, даст знать, что делать. Например, если разрешать re-use biometric, значит, возможно можно будет загружать документы без биометрики.

Все мы ждем новости из первоисточника. Так или иначе они  - будут.

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

2 часа назад, British Lawyer сказал:


Я всегда подаю online.

Как нам сказал Home Office во время майской online конференции с ними, в этом отделе остался Skeleton staff, поэтому рассматривать могут. Например, 14 мая 2020 года нам пришло уведомление о том, что заявление клиентки было положительно рассмотрено (см. другой тред). Но это - скорее всего исключение, т.к. Legal Centre является Highly Tursted Representative + мы подали буквально за день до закрытия отделений Sopra Steria.

В то же время есть возможность подать заявление на гражданство по почте через бумажную форму AN, хотя Home Office сейчас НЕ рекомендует подавать оригиналы по почте из-за COVI19 (могут легко потеряться в тоннах получаемой почты которую, скорее всего, некому рассматривать/разбирать) по бумажным заявлениями по EU Law.  Это можно обойти, заверив документы у нас, например. Хотя мне лично эта цепочка не нравится. Я - сторонник наиболее эффективного способа подачи. Пока он был - online.

На этой неделе Home Office, возможно, даст знать, что делать. Например, если разрешать re-use biometric, значит, возможно можно будет загружать документы без биометрики.

Все мы ждем новости из первоисточника. Так или иначе они  - будут.

Спасибо за Ваш ответ, мы подали заявку онлайн и загрузили документы,  но не успели с biometric. Будем ждать.

3 часа назад, Natie сказал:

Спасибо за Ваш ответ, мы подали заявку онлайн и загрузили документы,  но не успели с biometric. Будем ждать.

У Вас все в порядке.

Осталось совсем чуть-чуть.

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Хорошие новости.

На прошлой неделе подал заявлениe клиента на ILR по категории Tier 2(General).

Тогда смогли только подать и оплатить заявление. Ни биометрику, ни загрузку документов не смогли сделать.

Сегодня получили Email из Home Office выслать им документы напрямую по Email.

То есть в обход биометрики и загрузки документов через Sopra Steria.

Я выслал документы в Home Offie по Email в течение 30 минут :-)

Сейчас ждем решения.


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Новые услвия перехода без выезда их UK

>>> COVID19 and the UK Immigration

The current information from the UK BA (via Email from the CiT UK BA team; yet to be confirmed on the UK BA web-site)


In the standard CIH response relating to the in-country switching concession, it appears that the in-country switching concession is being extended to those with visas expiring 1 June - 30 June (see below). There appears to be new wording about some proscribed (short term) routes into which switching applications cannot be made.

There does not appear to be any inclusion (in this standard email) of reference to 'automatic' extension of visas for those whose visas expire 1 June - 30 June, or for those whose visas have been extended under the current scheme to 31 May. But presumably this will need to follow.

The details:

Switching: visa holder in UK - leave expires between 24 January and 31 May

Thank you for contacting the Home Office Coronavirus Immigration Team about switching from your current immigration route due to issues related to COVID-19.

No individual of any nationality whose leave has expired or is due to expire between 24 January 2020 and 31 May 2020, and who cannot leave because of travel restrictions related to COVID-19, will be regarded as an overstayer or suffer any detriment in the future.  

Where you would normally be required to return to your country of residence to apply for a visa in a different category, you’ll now be able to apply from the UK to switch.

This only applies if your leave has expired or will expire on or after 24 January 2020 to 31 May 2020, including where leave has already been extended to 31 March 2020.

You will need to be switching from/to an eligible route and you’ll need to meet the same visa requirements and pay the same application fee.

It is not possible to switch into short term visa routes where applications can only be made outside of the UK, such as:

- Tier 5 Youth Mobility
- Tier 5 Seasonal Worker
- Tier 4 Chevening, Commonwealth and Marshall scholars
- Overseas Domestic Workers

You should apply online but you will not be able to book a biometric appointment at a UK Visa and Citizenship Application Centre Services (UKVCAS) service point or a Service and Support Centre (SSC). This is because we have temporarily closed these biometric enrolment services.

Access UK is now holding applications for an increased period of 240 days. This will ensure that applications remain live and valid and supporting enrolment of biometric data once services have resumed. To ensure that you can book an appointment after 240 days, you must register for your UKVCAS account when you complete your online application. This will activate your account so that you can be contacted when the service resumes.

If you have been advised that you can enrol your biometrics at a Post Office you should check the availability of services through the Post Office finder, as advised on your Biometric Enrolment letter, or through updates on GOV.UK.

You will not be regarded as an overstayer or be subject to enforcement action if you are unable to attend a biometric appointment due to COVID-19 or if there are delays in processing your application. The terms of your leave will remain the same until your application is decided.

Switching: visa holder in UK - leave expires between 1 June and 30 June

No individual of any nationality whose leave has expired or is due to expire between 24 January 2020 and 31 May 2020, and who cannot leave because of travel restrictions related to COVID-19, will be regarded as an overstayer or suffer any detriment in the future.

Although your leave expires after 31 May 2020, we will on this occasion allow you to switch routes while you’re in the UK.

You will need to be switching from/to an eligible route and you’ll need to meet the same visa requirements and pay the same application fee.

It is not possible to switch into short term visa routes where applications can only be made outside of the UK, such as:

- Tier 5 Youth Mobility
- Tier 5 Seasonal Worker
- Tier 4 Chevening, Commonwealth and Marshall scholars
- Overseas Domestic Workers

You should apply online but you will not be able to book a biometric appointment at a UK Visa and Citizenship Application Centre Services (UKVCAS) service point or a Service and Support Centre (SSC). This is because we have temporarily closed these biometric enrolment services.

Access UK is now holding applications for an increased period of 240 days. This will ensure that applications remain live and valid and supporting enrolment of biometric data once services have resumed. To ensure that you can book an appointment after 240 days, you must register for your UKVCAS account when you complete your online application. This will activate your account so that you can be contacted when the service resumes.

If you have been advised that you can enrol your biometrics at a Post Office you should check the availability of services through the Post Office finder, as advised on your Biometric Enrolment letter, or through updates on GOV.UK.

You will not be regarded as an overstayer or be subject to enforcement action if you are unable to attend a biometric appointment due to COVID-19 or if there are delays in processing your application. The terms of your leave will remain the same until your application is decided.

Switching: visa holder in UK - leave expires from 1 July

No individual of any nationality whose leave has expired or is due to expire between 24 January 2020 and 31 May 2020, and who cannot leave because of travel restrictions related to COVID-19, will be regarded as an overstayer or suffer any detriment in the future.

As your leave to remain in the UK does not expire within the relevant dates, you are not eligible to switch into another route while you’re in the UK.

Please continue to check the GOV.UK website, where up to date advice is published. The latest information and advice for visa holders and temporary residents can be found here:


Information on support available to visa holders and temporary residents in the UK is also available on GOV.UK, at:


The latest travel advice can be found here:


Coronavirus Immigration Team

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Добрый день, Антон

У меня такой вопрос (надеюсь, что по теме) - не возникнут ли проблемы с моим будущим IRL, если я подам заявку на помощь по  Self Employment Income support scheme?

Я на spouse visa (5 year route), подавалась по финансам мужа. На IRL подаваться в следующем году.

В связи с текущей ситуацией мой доход от self employment упал практически до нуля. HMRC прислали уведомление, что мне можно подаваться на грант по Self Employment Income support scheme. В официальном гайданс написано, что "Grants under the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme are not counted as ‘access to public funds’, and you can claim the grant on all categories of work visa", но не упоминается, доступна ли эта опция для family visa.

Вопрос в том, не переведут ли меня на 10 year route , если я подам заявку на фин помощь от государства и ХО посчитает это как бенефит?

Буду очень признательна, если Вы сможете помочь в этом вопросе



Новости из Home Office сегодня, 21-05-2020, в отношении COVID19 и разных категорий иммиграциии:

21 May 2020 – Just useful and interesting UK & EEA Immigration Law news and updates from the Legal Centre – Open 7 days a week - www.legalcentre.org - +44(0)3300010342, +44(0)7791145023 (WhatsApp/Viber)

>>> CORONAVIRUS and UK Immigration: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-immigration-and-borders


The guidance also includes information on switching visas. It allows people to “apply from the UK to switch to a long-term UK visa until 31 May 2020. This includes applications where you would usually need to apply for a visa from your home country”.

From what it seems to apply, this would be an in-country application rather than an application for entry clearance. The concession was initially limited to people whose visa is due to expire by 31 May 2020. As we have reported earlier, the Home Office is sending out emails extending the concession to people with visas expiring in June.

No recourse to public funds

Migrants whose visa stipulates that they can have “no recourse to public funds” are in a difficult position. Without access to benefits to make up for loss of work, many face destitution.

Government guidance issued on 23 April says that there is some support available to migrants with no recourse to public funds, including:

    -Coronavirus testing and treatment
    -Deliveries of food and medicine if “shielding” as a particularly vulnerable person
    -Statutory sick pay
    -Contributory Employment and Support Allowance
    -The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Coronavirus Self-employment Income Support Scheme

The Home Office also says that it has launched a £1.5 million pilot fund to accommodate victims of domestic violence who have no resource to public funds.

But as the House of Commons Library says, “the Government hasn’t announced a blanket policy to change NRPF restrictions”. Those subject to the no recourse condition must still apply to have it lifted in order to access to the wider welfare system.

From an immigration perspective, that is not an application to be taken lightly, as not only does removing NRPF punt you off a 5-year route to settlement and on to the 10-year route, but the Home Office has also made it clear that if you manage to change back, it will not count any of your previously accrued residence and your clock starts back at 0.

The High Court found on 7 May that aspects of the no recourse policy are unlawful. As a result, the Home Office updated its information on applying to have the condition lifted where the person is only “at risk of becoming destitute”, as opposed to already destitute.

Immigration tribunal hearings Overview

HM Courts and Tribunals Service is now issuing a weekly operational update. There are specific status reports for First-tier and Upper Tribunal immigration and asylum cases. They provide a useful summary of the state of play (as of the week commencing 18 May):

    "The [First-tier] tribunal has suspended face to face hearings (other than in exceptional circumstances) until further notice. A notice containing instructions on the next steps in your case will be sent to you. We are working through the listed cases in priority and date order and you should wait until we contact you. Please do not call us unless your enquiry is urgent. Bail applications will be prioritised and where a hearing is required, will be listed to take place by telephone or video. Users are advised to contact the relevant hearing centre on the email addresses below until further notice.

There is also a slightly more detailed “help for users” document, dated 15 April.

For the Upper Tribunal:

    "There may be some delays in processing non-urgent work. Please see below different ways in which we are dealing with appeals and judicial reviews."

    Appeals and Permission to Appeal applications to UTIAC:

        "Appeals that were listed for hearing have been postponed. All appeals to UTIAC are being judicially case managed. There is also limited monitoring of the appeals email inbox currently taking place."

    Judicial Reviews in UTIAC:

        "A notice was issued (23 March 2020) on handling of urgent Judicial review applications
        A updated notice was issued on 30th April 2020 on handling non-urgent applications.
        The fees counter at Field House is currently closed and calls to 020 7073 4278 may not be answered"

The “updated note” on non-urgent applications says:

    "Beginning on 30th April 2020 and until further notice, Judicial Review applications made to the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) that do not require urgent or immediate consideration can be filed as follows:

    1. By email to UTIACJudicialReviewApplications@justice.gov.uk, by post or at the fees counter when the counter re-opens.

    2. Attachments to emails sent to UTIACJudicialReviewApplications@justice.gov.uk must not, in total, exceed 25 MB per email. If they exceed this limit the email will not be delivered."


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Очередное продление (гостевых) виз. Теперь - до 31 июля 2020 года

>>> COVID19 and the UK Immigration update: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-uk-visa-applicants-and-temporary-uk-residents

Further visas extensions for those unable to return home due to coronavirus (22 May 2020)

Overseas nationals who cannot return home due to the coronavirus pandemic will be able to extend their visa until the end of July to give them peace of mind that they can stay in the UK until they are able to return home safely.

The extension will last until 31 July and will apply to anyone whose leave expired after the 24 January and cannot leave the country because of travel restrictions or self-isolation.

While the Government has offered this extension to help those who are unable to get home prior to 31 July, those currently in the UK on temporary visas, such as visitor visas, should return home as soon as it is safe and possible to do so.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

“By extending people’s visas further, we are giving them peace of mind that they are able to stay in the UK until the end of July if they are unable to leave the country safely.

 “This is one of a number of unprecedented measures the Government has made to support people during this time, however, as we begin a cautious return to normality those currently in the UK on expired visitor visas should return home as soon as possible.”

Today’s announcement builds on the previous extension which lasts until of 31 May, and ensures people who are not able to leave the UK are not impacted by circumstances outside of their control.

A dedicated coronavirus immigration team is continuing to work with individuals to make the process as straightforward as possible. Anyone in this situation, who has not contacted them already, just needs to contact the team via an online form to let them know their visa has expired and they will be issued with an extension.

To help those who want to apply for visas to stay in the UK long-term, the Home Office is also extending the in-country switching provisions until 31 July.

This will mean people can apply to switch into long-term routes whilst remaining in the UK. UKVI will continue to process applications as quickly as possible, however some applications may take longer than usual due to coronavirus related operational pressures.

Many foreign nationals have found themselves unable to return home since the outbreak of coronavirus due to flight cancellations and border restrictions.

Those who contact the Home Office for these visa extensions will be expected to return to their home countries as soon as possible once flight and border restrictions are lifted. No immigration enforcement action will be undertaken during this time for those who email the Home Office as outlined above.

In light of the current advice on self-isolation and social distancing, the Home Office is also waiving a number of requirements on visa sponsors, such as allowing non-EU nationals here under work or study routes to undertake their work or study from home.

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

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>>> UKVCAS Service Status - Reopening from the 1st June 2020

Some UKVCAS (Sopra Steria) centres are reopening from the 1st June. These will be for those who had pre-existing appointments cancelled during lockdown.

The announcement: https://www.ukvcas.co.uk/flash-message-detail?flashmessageId=74833

The Service Point Status: https://www.ukvcas.co.uk/flash-message-detail?flashmessageId=56249

UK BA announcement: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-uk-visa-applicants-and-temporary-uk-residents


"Unfortunately, if you did not have an existing appointment, prior to the suspension of the service, you will not be able to book an appointment at this time. Please be assured that every customer is important to UKVCAS and we will be reviewing the new approach regularly to assess when we are able to open bookings for all customers. For the latest information on implications for your Visa application, please check UKVI’s Immigration Guidance at GOV.UK"

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Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Update 27 мая 2020

Сегодня с клиентом, у кого из-за COVID19 отменили биометрику, взяли новый слот на сдачу биометрику на 05 июня 2020 года.

То есть пока дают доступ тем, у кого отменили биометрику из-за COVID19. А потом - всем остальным.

Кстати, новый .pdf файл с новой датой биометрики сейчас приходит с опозданием. Но приходит. В вышеуказанном случае в течение часа получили подтверждение с новой датой биометрики.

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


>>> VFS Global offices to re-open some of its Visa Application Centres

The company has announced that a “phased resumption of services in certain Visa Application Centres” will start from the 1st June. They are:

    Hong Kong
    Kuala Lumpur

The other outsourcing company that runs visa application centres overseas, TLS Contact, does not have such a list. Applicants can go to the company’s UK website and select the country they are applying from to bring up the status of the application centre(s) in that country.

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

В 21.05.2020 в 1:10 PM, Divina сказал:

Добрый день, Антон

У меня такой вопрос (надеюсь, что по теме) - не возникнут ли проблемы с моим будущим IRL, если я подам заявку на помощь по  Self Employment Income support scheme?

Я на spouse visa (5 year route), подавалась по финансам мужа. На IRL подаваться в следующем году.

В связи с текущей ситуацией мой доход от self employment упал практически до нуля. HMRC прислали уведомление, что мне можно подаваться на грант по Self Employment Income support scheme. В официальном гайданс написано, что "Grants under the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme are not counted as ‘access to public funds’, and you can claim the grant on all categories of work visa", но не упоминается, доступна ли эта опция для family visa.

Вопрос в том, не переведут ли меня на 10 year route , если я подам заявку на фин помощь от государства и ХО посчитает это как бенефит?

Буду очень признательна, если Вы сможете помочь в этом вопросе

Актуально. Тоже послушаю что скажут.


В 21.05.2020 в 1:10 PM, Divina сказал:



Сохраняйте Душевный Свет, вопреки всему и не смотря ни на что. Это Свет, по которому вас найдут такие же Светлые Души.




Вы сами ответили на свой вопрос, дав ссылку на официальный источник.


Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer


Update по биометрическим слотам от Sopra Steria и возможности сдать тесты по английскому языку (Trinity College)

>>> Booking Sopra Steria appointments - update

The Home Office has told ILPA the following about UKVCAS appointments:

"When a customer receives an email from Sopra over next couple of days, with a link to book an appointment, they should follow that link and book an appointment, and not worry about any previous appointment bookings.

Sopra are prioritising customer contact to reach out to those customers who were in process pre 27 March (when the centres closed) and they are starting with those customers who had booked free appointments before moving on to chargeable appointments.  So, there may be new customer contact taking place over coming days, but that is so Sopra can be assured they have gone through the cohort of people who were waiting before 27 March date and got them booked in. So, customers receiving an email with a link, should action it."

>>> LanguageCert SELT exams for UK Visas & Immigration to fully open from the 1st July 2020

"Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to announce some important updates concerning LanguageCert SELT exams for UK Visas & Immigration.

As of 1 June 2020, 31 of our global SELT centres will be operational, complying with local policies and guidelines regarding COVID-19. Over the coming weeks our list of operational SELT centres is likely to grow.

We anticipate the remainder of our SELT centres being operational from 1 July 2020, but this date is subject to change based on the evolving circumstances of COVID-19. If local restrictions continue to remain in place in regions beyond 1 July 2020, any applicants that have scheduled their SELT exam with us will be supported to re-schedule their booked exam slot."

Помощь русскоговорящего адвоката высшей категории: консультации, проверка заявлений, ведение дел:  www.legalcentre.org  Mob/Viber/WhatsApp:+44(0)77 911 45 923, Skype: immigration_lawyer

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