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Dear Sir/Madam
My name is...
My husband almost finish fill out documents for Nova Scotia nominee program Regional Labour Market Opinion.
But due to political situation in our country Ukrainian National Bank set a limit for withdraw money from the banks account. There a lot rumors about starting a war after 16 march Crimea referendum. In this case banks will frozen our bills and for 99% we'll lost our money like in 2008.
That's why we save our money not on account but in deposit box.
Is it really for us show our proof of funds in cash with notarized document?
Best regards,
Dear Madam:
RE: Your email of 13 March 2014
With regard to your question, what is needed is to show evidence of what funds you have. If your funds are not in the banks due to the situation, I would suggest that you try to satisfy the criteria by working with a notary public or lawyer to have it verified that you have the funds. Unfortunately, I do not know what else to suggest.
Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
К слову, мы не успели в кап, т.к. документы пришли 24 апреля, а работали с пакетами до 13 апреля.
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