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British Lawyer

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Сообщения, опубликованные British Lawyer

  1. Еще одна клиентка получила ПМЖ (ILR - Indefinite Leave to Remain) как жена британца.

    Заявление рассмотрели и одобрили за 1 день.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений заявлений клиентов.


  2. Court of Appeal says that application made to EU Settlement Scheme was correctly rejected

    The Court of Appeal has upheld the Home Secretary’s decision to refuse an application made under Appendix EU by an extended family member who had not first obtained a residence document under the Immigration (EEA) Regulations 2016. The case is Emambux v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024] EWCA Civ 1459.

  3. Еще 2 клиента получили визы по категории Home for Ukraine и могу приехать и жить в Великобритании.

    Заявители сначала получили отказ и попросили наш Legal Centre - Private UK & EEA Immigration Lawyers and Advocates помочь им.

    Заявления в этот раз рассмотрели и одобрили за 2 недели.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений решений клиентов.



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  4. Еще один клиент, кто раньше был лишен европейского гражданства, смог получить ПМЖ в Великобритании (EU Settled Scheme - ILR).

    Заявление рассмотрели и одобрили за 1 день.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений заявлений клиентов.


  5. Так выглядит ARC карточка для просителей убежища в Великобритании в декабре 2024 года.

    Заявление о предоставлении убежища было зарегистрировано примерно 22 ноября 2024 года (регистрация по телефону). Заявитель прошел собеседование (скрининг) примерно 8 декабря 2024 года, а ARC карточка была получена (просители убежища по-прежнему получают карту и не получают электронные визы, в отличие от других) 13 декабря 2024 года.

    Заявитель был нелегалом, и именно поэтому на данный момент он не имеет права работать в Великобритании. 


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  6. Court of Appeal allows appeal on EU Settlement Scheme dependency rules.

    Court of Appeal has said that a child, who is over 21 and has rights of residence based on dependency on their EU citizen parent, does not lose those rights if they start working and are no longer financially dependent on the parent. Essentially, dependency is determined at the date of application and once that has been established, the right to work takes precedence over the requirement for ongoing dependency. The case is R (Ali) versus Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024] EWCA Civ 1546. 

    It is unclear how many people will be affected by this decision, but it will be good news for many. The Home Secretary is seeking permission to appeal to the Supreme Court, though.

    Do you need help with your UK Immigration applications ? Our British Legal Centre may be able to help. 

    Book your online consultation with us at www.legalcentre.org today.



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  7. Еще одна семья получила разрешение на въезд в Великобританию по схеме "Дома для Украинцев".

    Заявления рассмотрели и одобрили за 2 недели.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений заявлений клиентов.



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  8. Еще 2 клиента получили гостевый визы после многократных отказов.

    Заявители пробовали подать заявления сами и получили отказы.

    С помощью нашего Legal Centre заявления были одобрены и визы выданы за всего 2 недели.



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  9. Еще одна клиентка заменила бумажную визу ПМЖ (ILR) старого типа на современный статус No Time Limit и теперь сможет подать на eVisa.

    Заявление рассмотрели и одобрили за 1.5 месяца.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений заявлений клиентов.


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  10. Еще одна клиентка смогла легализоватсья в Великобритании после 20 лет нелегального проживания в этой стране. 

    Заявление было рассмотрено и одобрено за 4 месяца.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений заявлений клиентов.


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  11. Introduction to the Life in the UK Test

    A Life in the UK test is ordinarily required for both ILR and citizenship applications.  

    2. Exemptions from the Life in the UK Test

    You do not need to take the Life in the UK test if you:

    are under 18;
    are 65 or over;
    have passed it before, many will have already completed the test when they applied to settle in the UK;  or
    have a long-term physical or mental condition.

    If an individual has a physical or mental condition they must provide either an exemption form or a letter from a Doctor confirming the condition.  

    3. Booking the Test

    It is important to note that there is only one official government service through which the Life in the UK test can be booked.  

    The test is an online one and must be booked at least 3 days in advance.  

    4. Structure of the Test

    The test consists of 24 questions about British traditions and customs.  The test taker has 45 minutes to answer.  

    In order to pass an individual must score 75% or more.

    Our family run British Legal Centre can assist you with the UK Immigration matters.

    Visit us at www.legalcentre.org to book your initial consultation.



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  12. Еще один ребенок-студент получил eVisa для пребывания в Великобритании.

    Заявление на eVisa этого ребенка-студента рассмотрели и одобрили за 1 день.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений заявлений клиентов.


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  13. Changes about the Ukrainian Schemes, in more deatails:

    Changes to the Ukraine Schemes

    First, the below changes take effect on Wednesday, 18 December 2024.

    Individuals staying on the Ukraine schemes WILL NO LONGER be able to use their time in the UK under the schemes to qualify for settlement through the 10-year Long Residence route through the following amendments:

    Appendix Ukraine Scheme will be added to the list of excluded routes for the qualifying period requirement contained in LR 3.1(a) for permission to stay on the Long Residence route, and LR 11.1(a) for settlement on the Long Residence route. Therefore, permission under Appendix Ukraine Scheme will RETROSPECTIVELY break the continuity of a 10-year qualifying period.
    Paragraphs 5.18 and 5.19 of the Explanatory Memorandum explain that:

    ‘…permission to stay in the UK under the Ukraine Schemes does not provide a route to settlement in the UK. Any permission under the Schemes has been granted on this principle. The aim of the Ukraine schemes is to provide TEMPORARY SANCTUARY for Ukrainians while the conflict in Ukraine continues.

    !!!!! This reflects the express wishes of the Ukrainian government, who have been clear that they need their citizens to return to Ukraine to help recovery efforts, once it is safe to do so. !!!!!

    5.19 To reflect this longstanding position, we are updating the eligibility requirements for the ‘Long Residence’ route… in line with the pre-existing policy position, permission to stay in the UK under the Ukraine Schemes, including the new UPE, cannot be used toward the qualifying period requirement needed to qualify for permission to stay or settlement under the ‘Long Residence’ route. This change brings the Rules in step with the already established policy position.’

    The Statement of Changes further includes a range of minor drafting and presentational changes across the Immigration Rules.

    Second, the following changes take effect at 09:00 GMT on Tuesday, 4 February 2025.

    The Ukraine Extension Scheme (UES) will be closed on 4 February 2025 and the new Ukraine Permission Extension (UPE) scheme will be introduced on the same day. The same will be reflected in the changes made to the introduction of Appendix Ukraine Scheme and by way of newly inserted UKR 29.1 to UKR 38.1 sections after the deleted UKR 21.1 to UKR 28.2 sections relating to the UES contained in Appendix Ukraine Scheme.

    Paragraphs 5.8 and 5.9 of the Explanatory Memorandum further explain that:

    ‘UPE will allow Ukrainian nationals (and eligible family members) living in the UK with existing Ukraine Scheme permission, to apply for further permission to remain in the UK for an additional 18 months, with the same rights and entitlements to access work, benefits, healthcare, and education as they currently have.

    5.9 Individuals may also be eligible if they previously held permission to remain under a Ukraine scheme and now hold another type of permission to remain in the UK.’

    The Statement of Changes also clarifies on page 3 that in relation to the these changes ‘if an application for entry clearance, for an Electronic Travel Authorisation, for permission to enter or for permission to stay, or an application for administrative review has been made before 09:00 GMT on 4 February 2025, such applications will be decided in accordance with the Immigration Rules in force on 3 February 2025’.

    Additionally, introduction of the UPE scheme will replace the Ukraine Extension Scheme (UES) route for children born to Ukrainian parents to get permission to stay in the UK. The intention is to have one route for all Ukrainians to use, which will help minimise confusion. As such, the UES route for UK-born Ukrainian children will close at 9am on 4 February 2025, and the UPE will open the same day.

    Paragraphs 5.13 and 5.14 of the Explanatory Memorandum further state that:

    ‘Confusion is likely to arise if UES were to remain open alongside UPE with two schemes of very similar names. UES will consequently be closed when UPE opens, and such UK-born children will instead be able to apply to regularise their stay through making an application to UPE. Any UES applications that are pending at the point of that route’s closure will be decided in accordance with the UES requirements.

    5.14 UK born children of a Ukrainian national parent who holds Ukraine scheme permission, who are applying to UPE will receive the same grant of permission as they would have done under UES, and corresponding rights and entitlements, that they would have done previously through UES.’

    An exception for overstayers contained in Part 1 of the Immigration Rules will also be introduced with the addition of a new subparagraph 39E(6) which will read:

    “(6) the applicant has applied for permission to stay on the Ukraine Permission Extension Scheme and the application was made:

    (a) within 90 days of the applicant’s permission expiring; and

    (b) the application was submitted between 4 February 2025 and 4 August 2025.”

    Third, the following change shall take effect on Thursday, 13 February 2025.

    The permission to travel (PTT) letters scheme which allowed some individuals to travel to the UK quickly, without express permission to enter, to escape the war, is set to end on 13 February 2025. As such, UKR 13.1 will be revised to read:

    “UKR 13.1. A person seeking to come to the UK under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme must apply for and obtain entry clearance under Appendix Ukraine Scheme before they arrive in the UK.”.

    Individuals who hold a PTT but have not left Ukraine will be given 90 days’ notice to travel to the UK.

    Paragraph 5.17 of the Explanatory Memorandum sets out that:

    ‘5.17 Once 90 days’ notice has been provided to individuals issued with a PTT letter who have not travelled to the UK, and changes to the Homes for Ukraine Scheme Entry Requirements have been implemented on 13 February 2025, PTT letters presented without any accompanying permission will no longer be valid for travel to, or entry into, the UK. Any Ukrainian issued with a PTT letter but not permission who later decides they wish to come to the UK should submit a new application to the Homes for Ukraine scheme.’

  14. Еще один клиент получил eVisa как родитель ребенка-школьника в Великобритании.

    Заявление на eVisa рассмотрели и одобрили за 1 день.


    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений решений клиентов.



  15. Another client has become a British citizen.

    The Legal Centre - Private UK & EEA Immigration Lawyers and Advocates has been assisting this client at every stage of his application:

    - Entry Clearance
    - Visa extension
    - Settlement (ILR)
    - eVisa
    - Naturalization

    The Naturalization application was approved in 2.5 months.

    Just sharing the Legal Centre - Private UK & EEA Immigration Lawyers and Advocates clients' daily approval statistics.

    I have been assisting migrants and their families in the UK and overseas since 1993.

    I may be able to help you and your family.

    Talk to me, Anton Koval of the Legal Centre - I am usually available.

    Anton Koval
    Legal Centre
    Mob: +447791145923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram)
    Office: +443300010342
    Skype: immigration_lawyer

    #UKImmigration #ImmigrationLaw #VisaServices #ImmigrationAdvice #LegalHelp #ImmigrationConsultation #UKVisa #LegalSupport #ImmigrationLawyer #LegalCentre


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  16. Еще одна клиентка получила ПМЖ (ILR) в Великобритании как жена британского гражданина. 

    Заявление SET(M) рассмотрели и одобрили за 1 день.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных заявлений клиентов.


  17. Home Office продолжает усложнять и ограничивать права граждан Украины в Великобритании, кто находится в этой стране по т.н. украинским схемам:

    - С 18 декабря 2024 года украинские схеме НЕ БУДУТ засчитываться на ПМЖ (ILR) по т.н. 10-и летнему (Long Residence) пути

    - Продление украинских схем на 1.5 года начнется (т.е. откроется online форма) с 09.00 утра с 4 февраля 2025 года. Это НЕ БУДЕТ автоматическое продление. Нужно будет подавать анкету, указываться ВСЕ ОТСУТСТВИЯ за пределами Великобритании. Для членов семей нужно будет доказывать что они все еще остаются такими (т.е. совместное проживание). Home Office говорит так же о том, что могу быть запрошены и другие документы.

    - Подавать на продление по украинским схемам можно НЕ РАНЬШЕ ЧЕМ 28 дней до окончания срока действия текущего разрешения на пребывание в Великобритании по той или иной украинской схеме. Если заявление будет подано раньше, оно может быть возвращено (invalid application) заявителю.

    - Home Office будет ОГРАНИЧЕННО принимать заявления от "опоздавших" заявителей на продление украинских схем. Опоздание не должно быть более 90 дней и будет только засчитываться с 4 февраля 2025 до 4 августа 2025 года.

    - Дети, подающие заявление на продление по украинским схемам без родителей, будут должны выполнить дополнительные условия.

    Ссылка на первоисточник: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/applying-to-the-ukraine-permission-extension-scheme#apply-family


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