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Изменения от 01.07.2013 вступили в силу. Глобально ничего не поменялось, но тем не менее:

1) Удалили из SOL1 5 специальностей

251511 Hospital Pharmacist

251513 Retail Pharmacist

323111 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)

323112 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical)

323113 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures)

2) Удалили из SOL2 (CSOL) специальность 234512 Anatomist or Physiologist и добавили следующие специальности

133612 Procurement Manager

251112 Nutritionist

271214 Intellectual Property Lawyer

272414 Archaeologist

311415 Hydrographer

361115 Kennel Hand

3) Главное изменение - вводится новая система визовых сборов. Теперь пошлина в размере 3060 AUD платится не за семью, а только за главного заявителя. Дополнительно нужно будет платить сбор за неосновного заявителя старше 18 лет 1530 AUD (например, за супруга/у) и плюс за ребенка до 18 лет 765 AUD (если есть дети).


Востребованность специальностей по спонсорским визам, правила и т.д. смотрите на сайтах каждого из штатов Австралии.

Эмиграция в Австралию

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Украинцам упростили процедуру получения виз в Австралию


С 22 июля Австралия ввела упрощенный порядок оформления гражданам Украины виз для въезда на территорию страны с целью туризма, посещения родственников или друзей. При этом запланированный срок пребывания должен составлять менее трех месяцев.

Для того, чтобы получить визу, заявители должны заполнить размещенную на веб-сайте Департамента Иммиграции и Гражданства Правительства Австралии электронную анкету и отправить ее по указанному Департаментом адресу электронной почты.

В случае принятия положительного решения визового ходатайства заявителя ему отправят электронное письмо с подтверждением о наличии разрешения на въезд в Австралию. Указанный документ должен быть распечатан и представлен заявителем при пересечении государственной границы Австралии вместе с паспортным документом.


Граждане Украины могут также в обычном порядке обращаться в Посольство Австралии в Российской Федерации с ходатайствами об оформлении им соответствующих виз.


Ранее сообщалось, что посольство Германии в Украине изменило перечень документов, необходимых для получения шенгенской визы. Теперь украинцы должны предоставить справку из ЖЭКа с данными о прописке (форма 3).




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В Австралии решили продлевать визы гражданам с Украины


Власти Австралии разрешили продлевать срок временного пребывания в стране граждан Украины, сообщили 5 марта главы МИД страны Джули Бишоп и иммиграционного ведомства Скотт Моррисон.


"Находящиеся сейчас в Австралии украинцы, визы которых истекают, могут обратиться с запросом о продлении срока действия их виз в министерство иммиграции и охраны границ", - уточнили они.


Бишоп и Моррисон не уточнили на какой срок продления австралийских виз вправе рассчитывать гости из Украины, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.




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Австралия изменила правила получения гражданства


Нововведения должны привести к лучшей интеграции мигрантов в австралийское общество


Австралия ужесточает миграционное законодательство, усложняя процедуру получения гражданства страны. Теперь кандидаты будут сдавать серьезные тесты на знание английского языка и "австралийских ценностей". О введении новых правил объявил премьер-министр страны Малкольм Тернбулл, передает Русская служба ВВС.


Подающие на гражданство также обязаны будут предоставить доказательства своего постоянного проживания в стране на протяжении четырех лет - раньше этот срок составлял один год.


О решении стало известно всего спустя два дня после того как Австралия объявила о намерении ужесточить правила выдачи рабочих виз иностранцам.


Тернбулл сказал, что нововведения должны привести к лучшей интеграции мигрантов в австралийское общество. Объясняя, что такое "австралийские ценности", глава кабинета министров напомнил про гендерное равенство и свободу вероисповедания.


"Уважение к женщинам и детям - основная ценность в Австралии", - подчеркнул Тернбулл, добавив, что домашнее насилие неприемлемо.


Изменения миграционного законодательства:


-Усложненный тест на знание английского языка, включающий проверку навыков чтения, устной речи, восприятия на слух и письма;


-Предоставление свидетельств интеграции в общество - истории трудовой занятости, обучения или членства в местных организациях;


-Постоянное проживание в стране на протяжении четырех лет;


-Подавать на гражданство можно только трижды. Пытающийся схитрить или обмануть на экзамене будет считаться не сдавшим его.





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Now that same-sex marriage is legally recognised in Australia; it is possible to apply for a partner visa based on marital status. We will explore this further below.

Prior to the amendment to the Marriage Act 1961, same-sex marriage was not recognised in Australia. Even if a same-sex couple is married legally overseas, the marriage is not considered valid in Australia. However, a same-sex couple could apply for a partner visa as a de facto partner if the applicant meets all the relevant requirements.

However, on 9 December 2017, the Marriage Act 1961 was updated to allow for marriage equality. The Marriage Act 1961 defines marriage as a union of 2 people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life. For the purpose of migration, the Migration Act 1968 has also been updated. Section 5F of the Migration Act 1958 now defines a spouse as ‘a person is a spouse of another person whether they are in the same-sex or different sex.’ To show a married relationship, the applicant must show that:

  • The marriage is valid (i.e., marriage is recognised by law), and
  • The applicant and the sponsor have a mutual commitment to a shared life as a married couple to the exclusion of all others, and
  • The relationship is genuine and continuing, and
  • The applicant and sponsor must live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis.

For this reason, a same-sex couple can apply for a partner visa based on marital status.

Which partner visa can you apply for?

Depending on your current circumstances and migration goals, a same-sex couple can apply for the following partner visa:

You can read more about the requirements here.

Overseas Marriages

Since the amendment was made to the Marriage Act 1961, the government now also recognises overseas marriages. Therefore, if you are legally married overseas, and you have a marriage certificate, that marriage certificate should be recognised by the Department for visa purposes.


Whilst getting married to your partner is a strong indication that the relationship is genuine and continuing, you are still required to provide further documents substantiate your partner visa application. Therefore, it is best not to assume that you are guaranteed a visa based on marital status. Alternatively, it would be in your best interests to prepare supporting documents to show that the relationship is genuine and continuing.  Some documents include:

  • Joint lease or joint mortgages
  • Joint loan documents
  • Joint household bills
  • Photos of social event and/or joint gathering
  • Tickets for joint travel
  • Messages and chat history
  • Terms of the wills
  • Mails or emails addressed to both of you

As you can see, there is a myriad of documents to prepare. Therefore, we recommend that you start your preparation early. You can also book a consultation with us to help you navigate through the complexity of a partner visa.



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Australia should reopen international borders to skilled migrants: Experts

Australia’s biggest business collective, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) is calling on the federal government to reopen international borders to skilled migrants stranded offshore in a ‘risk-managed way’, as businesses struggle to find suitably skilled workers.

Melbourne-based Raghubir Singh is an experienced motor mechanic who had planned to use his temporary graduate visa to gain work experience so he could eventually realise his dream to live in Australia permanently.

Instead, he is stranded in the northern Indian state of Haryana as his visa ticks down, leaving him with an uncertain future as it is still not known when Australia’s borders will reopen to non-citizens and non-residents.

“I came here to get married in March not knowing that I will be stuck here indefinitely. I have already wasted more than 11 months of my temporary visa – time that I could have utilised to work, to eventually get a permanent residency,” said Mr Singh.

The 31-year-old has applied for inward exemptions multiple times in the past ten months only to be rejected each time. He is now struggling to make ends meet as he strives to keep his life in Australia while incurring daily expenses in India and that too without any fresh source of income.

“I have to manage my finances here, while I also have to maintain a home in Melbourne. I was undergoing a special medical treatment in Australia, which also has now stalled,” rued Mr Singh.

Businesses are bearing the brunt:

Mr Singh’s predicament highlights the problem of a country largely dependent on migration now in a quandary as Australia’s international arrivals remain capped by limited quarantine capacity that has been prioritised to bring vulnerable Australians home – leaving no room for skilled migrants like Raghubir.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s acting chief executive Jenny Lambert said businesses are bearing the brunt of the government’s hard border closure – as operators are struggling to fill the void left by skilled workers with locally available labour.

“To achieve this requires better ways of working with and beyond the quarantine caps to allow more Australians to return home as well as the skilled migrants we need. 

“We have been consulting closely with Government on ways that this can be done fairly and efficiently,” Ms Lambert told SBS Punjabi.

The latest survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals that one in five businesses are struggling to find qualified staff, while almost one in six reported not having enough labour.

Businesses reported they were having difficulty in finding suitably skilled tradespersons, hospitality workers and STEM professionals, while labourers, drivers and managers were also in demand, the survey showed.

Ms Lambert said while the border closure has served as a key bulwark against the pandemic – its devastating impact on businesses and primarily international tourism cannot be overlooked.

“International tourism was worth over $60 billion per year to Australia and many thousands of businesses relied primarily or solely on international tourism for their income. Even beyond tourism, the inability to meet with clients and potential trading partners face to face has had a strong impact on trade. 

“It is understandable that our international borders are restricted to deal with the health situation, but it is important that we have a clear path to reopening in a risk-managed way,” said Ms Lambert.

Since March, a total of 75,000 temporary visa holders have entered the country via air and sea amidst a border ban that requires all non-citizens and non-residents to acquire a travel exemption from the Australian Border Force to renter the country.

While the government has doubled the allocation for the relatively new Global Talent visa scheme and has also created a Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) to allow a select group of highly skilled migrants to bypass tough border restrictions, it has left many critical sectors out of this list - which Liz Allen, a demographer at the Australian National University said fails to consider the industries in dire need of a workforce.

“A migration program focusing on so-called exceptional talents will send some vital industries and services into significant stress, and all aspects of life will be adversely impacted for people living in Australia.

“The federal government will need to identify ways to safely welcome migrants back to Australia as soon as practicable - the socio-economic wellbeing of the nation depends on it,” said Ms Allen.




Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List

The Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) identifies 18 occupations which fill critical skills needs to support Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19. The list is based on expert advice from the National Skills Commission and consultation with Commonwealth departments.

Employer sponsored nomination and visa applications with an occupation on the PMSOL will be given priority processing.  All other skilled occupation lists will remain active, but the PMSOL occupations will take priority.  

The list is temporary and priority occupations may change as Australia recovers from the pandemic. The Government and the National Skills Commission will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on the Australian labour market and assess Australia’s skills needs as they evolve and new sources of data emerge.

This page will be updated with the most up-to-date list when priority occupations change.

Changes to the PMSOL

27 November 2020 – Based on advice from the National Skills Commission, the occupation of Social Worker (272511) has been added to the PMSOL

2 September 2020 – PMSOL of 17 occupations announced. See, Joint media release with the Hon. Michaelia Cash - Supporting Australian business to fill critical skills needs

The Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List

The 18 occupations (ANZSCO code) are:

  • Chief Executive or Managing Director (111111)
  • Construction Project Manager (133111)
  • Mechanical Engineer (233512)
  • General Practitioner (253111)
  • Resident Medical Officer (253112)
  • Psychiatrist (253411)
  • Medical Practitioner nec (253999)
  • Midwife (254111)
  • Registered Nurse (Aged Care) (254412)
  • Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) (254415)
  • Registered Nurse (Medical) (254418)
  • Registered Nurse (Mental Health) (254422)
  • Registered Nurse (Perioperative) (254423)
  • Registered Nurses nec (254499)
  • Developer Programmer (261312)
  • Software Engineer (261313)
  • Social Worker (272511)
  • Maintenance Planner (312911)Travel exemptions

While Australia’s border restrictions remain in place, temporary visa holders must obtain a travel exemption before travelling to Australia. For more information about the travel exemption process see: Critical skills and sectors

Visa subclasses

Priority processing of nomination and visa applications for PMSOL occupations applies to these employer sponsored visa subclasses:



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