Taya Опубликовано 22 февраля, 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 22 февраля, 2016 Просили запостить. Краткий комментарий на полях: нужен человек, который болеет за свое дело. Пусть не оканчивал сотни академий, но может рисовать, любит рисовать и может учить рисовать. Главное - инициатива, умения и ответственность, а не регалии... Art instructor RUSART FINE ARTS CO is a private art studio. With 3 locations across Greater Vancouver, our professional team have been teaching art since 2009. We offer classes, private lessons, as well as corporate team-building events and family parties. Now, over 80 students are attending our art classes on regular basis. For more than 6 years of work over 450 students has visited our art classes. About one third of our current students are long-term ones, have been taking our lessons for longer than a year. Every fifth student came by their friend’s referral. Now, we’re hiring art instructors for our Burnaby location. Job description: - Part-time contract position, 2-5 hours a day, 1-4 days a week, mostly weekday evenings or Sunday - Teaching children (from 5 years old) watercolour and gouache techniques, drawing, proper colouring, mixing colours in an academic way (not recreational) - Teaching adults a variety of media, including painting in acrylic, oil, watercolours, pastel, pencil-drawing, mixed media and others - Offering variety of styles, including realism, contemporary art, impressionism, expressionism, cubism and etc. - Assisting in organization of corporate evens and family parties - Excellent conflict resolution skills Requirements: - Degree or diploma in arts - 2+ years of experience (preferred) - Deep knowledge of ALL the following media: drawing, watercolours, oil, acrylic, gouache, and pastel - Available to work on weekday evenings and Sunday - Ability to teach classes of 10 students on individual basis - Wiliness to develop and participate in other business directions of RUSART - Criminal record check Compensation: - During probation: $20 per hour for the first 3 months - After probation: $25 per hour - After first year: up to $45 per hour, based on your personal success, ambitions and experience How to apply: Please apply by email: elena@rusart.ca and include - Your resume - Link your portfolio - Cover letter NO phone calls please. All applicants will be contacted. Цитата