Здравствуйте. У меня такая же ситуация, только муж не работает полтора года. Моего дохода хватает с избытком. Я подаю только свои документы. От него только паспорт и signed family declaration. Я подала заявления через Super Premium service, appointment на 19 февраля. Как получу ответ, напишу вам все подробности. И, кстати, P60 в списке документов отмечена как "Optional". У меня ее вообще нет на нынешние доходы (так как только в апреле будет), я на данной работе немного больше полу года, а за прошлый год мои доходы не составляют 18600, так что полагаться я на нее не могу.
Mandatory documents
These documents are mandatory and you must provide them as part of your application. Tick the box to agree that you will provide each document:(Required)
The passport or travel document for "мужа"
If you are making your application by post, you can send a complete copy of your partner's current passport or travel document. Every page of the passport must be copied including any blank pages.
The passport issued by Ukraine for "меня"
Declaration signed by partner
Your partner should download, sign and return the following declaration:
Your partner's relationship declaration
You should download and print this declaration now. A copy will also be available to download once you have paid for your application.
Other documents
If you do not provide these documents, your application may be delayed or refused.(Required)
Personal bank statements corresponding to the same period(s) as the payslips showing that the salary has been paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly - for Miss "меня"
6 letters and/or other documents addressed to you and your partner at the same address to show that you have been living together during the past 2.5 years
You must provide 6 letters or other documents addressed to you jointly or in both your names.
If you do not have enough items in your joint names, you may also provide items addressed to each of you individually, if they show the same address for both of you.
Providing both one letter sent individually to you and one letter sent individually to your partner at the same address is the equivalent of one letter addressed to you jointly.
For example, you can provide 4 items of correspondence in joint names to the same address, 2 items addressed to you at the address, and 2 items addressed to your partner at the address, for a total of 8 items.
If you and your partner have no bills or correspondence in joint names, you will need to submit 12 items (6 each) of correspondence showing that you live at the same address.
Evidence of council tax costs for the accommodation in the UK where you live or will live
This evidence is not needed but is preferred. You must check this box even if you are not giving this evidence to show that you have understood this
Evidence of "Мужа" settled status in the UK
A Life in the UK test pass notification letter
A letter from the employer(s) who issued the payslips confirming 1. the employment; 2. the gross annual salary; 3. how long the employment has been/was held; 4. the period over which the person has been paid the level of salary stated in their application; and 5. the type of employment (permanent, fixed-term contract or agency) - for "Меня"
Current Biometric Residence Permit for "Меня"
Payslips covering a period of 6 months prior to the date of application - for "Меня"
Personal bank statements corresponding to the same period(s) as the payslips showing that the salary has been paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly
Evidence of monthly housing costs for the accommodation in the UK where you live or will live
For example, a tenancy or mortgage agreement
Optionally, I will also provide the following documents as additional evidence:(Required)
A P60 for the relevant period(s) of employment relied upon
A signed contract of employment