Unfortunately, this is true - Wroclaw considers cases much more slowly than other voivodships. Your chances for a speedy consideration of the case increase if you have submitted documents not by mail but in person at the voivodship office, your application form has been filled out in the pio-przybysz.duw.pl system, all the necessary documents have been submitted - proof of income or the ability to cover living expenses and other needs for students, rental agreement, medical insurance, documents from the educational institution, all forms correctly filled out, etc., etc. More details for students here https://przybysz.duw.pl/cudzoziemcy-pobyt/zezwolenia-na-pobyt-czasowy/studia/
Well, then just luck.
If you see the name of your inspector in the system, you can try to send him an email asking about the status of your case. But so far very little time has passed, as a rule, the first changes in the system begin (if all the conditions above are met) only after 4-6 months. There are requests to the border services, then after about 2 months they begin to consider your documents and if everything is fine, in another month or two they issue a Decision.
After the Decision, about three more months to receive a plastic card. In total, in the best case, you receive a card 10 months after the submission of documents.
But in general, this time is even longer. There are many people here who will tell you about years of waiting and wasting time.