Здравствуйте , подавалась на визу в Киеве 25.09 .17 , работником визового центра были отсканированы все документы .Сегодня пришло уведомление :
We are in receipt of your UK Visa Application however we are yet to receive your UK sponsor supporting documentation. Without these documents we are unable to make a full consideration of your application. Can you please ensure the required documents are sent as a scanned attachment within 10 working days to SheffieldDocsRequested.Resto fWorld quoting your application reference.
If you have paid for the Priority Visa Service please ensure you clearly mark on the envelope that it contains priority visa documents.
In addition to the above, please also ensure that your sponsor provides a suitably sized envelope with appropriate postage so we can return all the supporting documents to your Sponsors UK address when the assessment of the application has been completed.
If we do not receive your supporting documents within 10 working days we will make a decision based on the information we already have on file. No further request for your supporting documentation will be issued.
With all correspondence please ensure you quote the above GWF reference number.
Please disregard this email if you have already submitted your documents or if these were scanned at the point of application.
Yours sincerely,
UK Decision Making Centre
Подскажите пожалуйста , как правильно поступить , отправить пакет документов или проигнорировать как указано в письме (Please disregard this email if you have already submitted your documents or if these were scanned at the point of application. ) Спасибо