Вот что я получил. Подскажите что это значит?
Thank you for registering for the information session in Kiev.
Here are the details of this event. Please read carefully as the information is VERY important.
This information session if for:
1) people who have been selected and invited by the Appnovation – they may receive job offers from this company.
2) people who have the skills that are in demand in New Brunswick. NO JOB OFFERS will be extended during this event or immediately after, we just want to prepare you for the employers in New Brunswick who will be recruiting in the next few months. We want to facilitate your relocation to Canada by explaining the process and what do you need to do in order to maximize your chances for a job offer. We will also share your resume with some of the employers in your sector.
We expect that in the next few months, there will be an important number of positions in your field available but we cannot guarantee that you will receive a job offer!
The session will be at Hotel Fairmont in Kiev at 19:00- please bring the print out of the registration.
Let us know if you have any questions.