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Кто ездил в Норвегию, подскажите пожалуйста насчет страховки. На сайте Au Paur world написано "In Norway, au pairs who have a valid work permit automatically become members of the National Insurance Scheme. Citizens from EU countries and the European Economic Area (EEA), who do not need a residence permit, are also covered by insurance as au pairs in Norway." Значит не нужно оформлять страховку ?

Далее сказано ''Your host family must take out an additional au pair insurance for you. It is valid during your entire au pair stay and covers the cost of your return journey in case of illness, for instance. Your host family bears the total cost of the insurance. The insurance covers you alone and is non-transferable. It remains valid during the entire period of validity, including if you change host families. In this case, your previous host family continues to bear the cost etc. ''

Хм,т.е. принимающая семья всё-таки должна делать страховку ?


Спасибо всем кто ответит !

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