Вот текст первого письма:
Dear Sir:
This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue processing your
application, we require the following documents:
Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination for yourself and your dependent family
members, if applicable. Please note that the relevant medical forms have has been sent separately by email. Do not
hesitate to contact us should you have not received it.
Newly completed IMM 5669 Schedule A - Background/Declaration for yourself and spouse.
Please provide complete information on your personal history and residential addresses since the age of 18 till present.
Do not leave gaps in time. Include all jobs; periods of unemployment; study; vacations; or being a homemaker.
Do not use abbreviations. Do not use general words such as “employee”, “working”, “manager”.
Specify your activity such as retail salesperson, architect, financial manager, etc.
Updated Ukrainian police clearance certificate for yourself and spouse.
Please note:
All documents must be accompanied by English or French translations. When original documents are requested,
notarised documents are not acceptable.
The above information/documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date of this letter.
Failure to do so could result in the refusal of your application. Please quote your complete application number on your
correspondence and address your correspondence to the Embassy at the address indicated below.
Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada.
К ментосправкам covering letter не прикладывали, просто отправили заполненные формы 5669 и ментосправки.
После этого второе письмо с просьбой заполнить недостающие пробелы.
Вот как выглядит анкета:
Please describe in detail what you have been doing
since age 18. You must indicate any periods of
employment regardless of how long you worked, giving
dates of employment and details of all positions that
you have held. These must be places where you
actually worked, not where you were officially
registered as working. You must also indicate any
periods of 30 days or more in which you were not
employed, including periods of unemployment, periods
of study, and any other use of time, such as time spent
travelling, stays in hospitals, prisons, or other places of
confinement, and periods spent at home as a
From /De To/À Type of activity City / Region /Country / Name of company, organization, institution, school, etc.
Dd/mm/yyyy Dd/mm/yyyy Activité Ville / Région / Pays Nom de l’entreprise, organisation, institution, école, etc.
Jj/mm/aaaa Jj/mm/aaaa